Funeral Planning @ St. Jude of the Lake

Funeral Planning

To schedule a funeral, please call the parish office at 651-426-3245 during normal business hours, and we will give you the contact number for our Funeral Coordinator.

If this is an emergency and you need immediate assistance you can call  651-403-5473

Please have the following information ready when calling:

  • The name of the deceased,
  • The name and telephone number of the family contact, and
  • The name of the funeral home.

We will obtain any other necessary information to help facilitate funeral planning which will involve the availability of the priest.

To assist in your planning, click here to download the Funeral Planning Guide.

Reading Choices

First Reading

Wisdom 3:1-9
“The souls of the just are in the hand of God…”

Isaiah 25:6a, 7-9
“He will destroy death forever…”

Laminations 3:17-26
“Gone is my glory, and all that I had hoped for from the Lord. …”

First Reading During Easter Time:
New Testament

Acts 10:34-43
Revelation 14:13
Revelation 20:11-21:1
Revelation 21:1-5a, 6b-7

Second Reading

Romans 8:31-35, 37-39
“Nothing can come between us and the love of God…”

2 Corinthians 5: 1, 6-10
“We have a building from God, eternal in heaven…”

Philippians 3: 20-21
“He will change our lowly bodies to conform to his glory…”

Revelation 21:1-7
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes…”

1 John 3:1-2
“That we may be called children of God…”

Gospel Reading

Gospel Matthew 5:1-12
“Blessed are they…”

Matthew 25:31-46
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory,  …”

Gospel John 6:37-40
“All who believe in the Son will have eternal life…”

Gospel John 11:17-27
“I am the Resurrection and the Life…”

Gospel John 14:1-6
“There are many rooms in my Father’s house…”

Arrangements for the Liturgies

The funeral coordinator will contact the designated family member to arrange a meeting with the family to assist in the grieving process, to discuss the details of the funeral, the wake, and the burial, and to gain further information about the deceased.

Several opportunities are offered for family involvement in the funeral Mass. These include placement of the funeral pall at the beginning of the Liturgy, bearing the gifts of bread and wine at the offertory procession, and selecting the Readings from Scripture to be used at the Mass.

The Vigil Liturgy (“Wake”) and/or the funeral luncheon are the ideal opportunities for family members and friends to share reflections about the deceased. Within reason, there are no limitations of time or content in these settings. The priest celebrant or deacon will make every effort to reflect knowledge of the deceased in the homily after the Gospel, and weave that knowledge into the Christian message based on the Scriptures. Accordingly, eulogies are not permitted at the funeral Mass itself.

Music is an integral part of the Sacred Liturgy. The funeral coordinator will work with the Music Director regarding Church guidelines governing liturgical music and will advise the family as to whether specific requests are permissible during the Mass.

Funeral Luncheons

Should the family choose to provide a luncheon following the Mass or burial, Kohler Hall may be used.

Arrangements for the funeral luncheon can be made with the funeral coordinator. Cost of the luncheon will be discussed and made payable to St. Jude of the Lake. Volunteers from our funeral committee will provide the luncheon at the families request or will be available to serve the luncheon if catered. The funeral coordinator will be in contact with the committee.


The funeral stipend is $650.00, which includes the services of a soloist,  accompanist, and one funeral coordinator. If a funeral home is not engaged for the funeral an extra $100 is added to the funeral stipend to cover a second funeral coordinator.

Additional musicians would need to be paid directly by the family. An additional offering may be made to the Parish in appreciation for the services provided. This is, however, not required and is purely discretionary.