New to St. Jude of the Lake? Join us for Mass!

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am,  11:00 am.

Daily Mass Times

Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am

Thursday 9:00 am (Jun – Aug), 9:15 am (Sep – May)

Tuesday 6:00 pm

Adoration is on Tuesdays beginning at Noon with Benediction at 5:30 pm.  Adoration is also on the first Friday beginning at 9:30 am with Benediction at 1:00 pm.

Children love St. Jude of the Lake!

During Mass: Check out our “Church Time Totes” at the entrances of church and in the Joyful Noise room. We also have the Joyful Noise room if you feel your children will be disruptive. Liturgy of the Word for Children is offered on Sunday mornings during the school year.

Faith Development: We offer many opportunities to support families in raising their children. Our PK-grade 5 Catholic School is outstanding and we have a phenomenal Faith Formation program for families with children in other schools.

Amazing community

St. Jude of the Lake is known for its community (and food).


Sunday Fellowship after Mass

After the 9:00 and 11:00 Masses on most Sunday’s. Please join us in Kohler Hall (downstairs from the church) for fellowship and refreshments. The hosts are ministry groups, school families or families just like you.


St. Jude of the Lake has many ministries in which the whole family can be involved.

How can we help?