Worship @ St. Jude of the Lake
Current Schedule:
Current Mass Schedule
Daily Mass
Wednesday & Friday, 9:00 am (rosary 1/2 hour before Mass, Divine Mercy Chaplet recited after Mass)
9:00 am (Jun – Aug), 9:15 am (Sep – May)
Tuesday, 6:00 pm (rosary 1/2 hour before Mass, Divine Mercy Chaplet recited after Mass)
Weekend Masses
Saturday, 4:30 pm
Sunday, 9:00 am
Sunday, 11:00 am
Confessions are heard in the confessional in the church on Fridays, 8:15 am – 8:45 am, Saturdays at 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm.
Adoration takes place on Tuesdays at Noon with Benediction at 5:30 pm. Adoration Also takes place on the first Friday of each month beginning after Mass and continuing with Benediction at 1:00 pm.

We Love our Little Children
God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house.
- Sit toward the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what’s going on at the altar.
- Quietly explain the parts of the liturgy and actions of the priests, deacons, altar servers, choir, etc.
- Sing the hymns, pray, and voice the responses.
Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you.
The presence of children is a gift to the Church and they remind us that our church is growing.
During Mass: Check out our “Church Time Totes” at the entrances of church and in the Joyful Noise room. We also have the Joyful Noise room if you feel your children will be disruptive.